Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ridiculous Good Looks Run in the Family

It's true... ridiculous good looks run in the family :)

Meet my cousin, Brooks- he's going to be famous one day. True story.

Until then, he's coaching in Goldthwaite, TX. Never heard of it? Well you should look 'em up. They won the State Championship this past month! GO EAGLES!!

After Mom passed away, I spent my summers at Uncle Rusty & Aunt Donna's house in Lubbock. Most days were spent in the backyard pool. Evenings were spent at the ball park. It was the perfect childhood. During that time, I was able to grow closer to their sons, Brooks and Zach. Years passed... the summers became fewer and fewer. Sadly, I'm lucky if I see the boys once a year now. However, Brooks called me up over the break asking me to photograph him. You better believe I was all over it! Brooks and I strolled around Salado grabbing as many shots as we could before the sunset. He was a champ in wardrobe changes... put on a show for the whole town. ha. I had a blast, and I truly hope if you are in the modeling/acting business that you take a look as this gentleman. Hopefully the pictures speak for themselves, but his personality is just as great!!

Brooks, you are simply amazing and will go far. No doubt in my mind. Mom (Auntie Di) would be SO proud of you. Scratch that, I know she is watching you from above and she IS proud of you. Love, your agent & personal photographer :)

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