Friday, March 5, 2010

Salado Engagement Photographer

Wanna know the best thing about being single? Waking up in the morning sprawled out all over your big, empty bed. Your knee isn't jabbing into someone else's stomach, and someone isn't drooling all over YOUR pillow, or better yet, YOUR arm. Oh, the single life.
Wanna know the worst thing about being single? This big empty bed. Oh, the single life. Contradicting, I know. In all seriousness, it's been an adjustment. I'm used to pestering the ex ( I was good at that)... waking him up in the middle of the night with my random thoughts and crazy business plans (I'm pretty sure no man reading this blog will ever marry me because of that last statement. whateva). I have a million thoughts I want to share with someone, and the rest of the world is asleep, as I should be. I've been going to bed before 11 each night; however, Mr. Sandman decided not to visit me tonight. Umm, rude! It's now 3:12 in the morning, and I need to be up in less than 3 hours. Cool...

However, moving on to more positive moments in life and not wanting to waste a moment while I am wide awake, I decided to share some recent images from an engagement shoot in Salado.

Blog Readers, I introduce Chuck and Wendy. They're getting marrrrrried and couldn't be happier. They adore each other, and I adore them. Chuck had us giggling the whole time, and Wendy is as sweet and laid back as they come. Love them!

They've been in a long distance relationship:
-for 3 years.
-51150505050 miles apart (maybe that's a lil' exaggeration)
-living out of 3 different states(Chuck = TX, Wendy = AZ & CA)
-seeing each other 1 week out of each month
You do the math.

That sounds like a lot of work to me, but with their love and determination, they have made it work and are finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. Come the end of March, Wendy will be a Texas resident! YAY! Or should I say "YEEHAW!!"? No? Probably not... "yay" is sufficient. Anyway, I couldn't be happier for them and the journey they are about to take together. Wishing them the ABSOLUTE best and LOTS of moments spent together for years to come! They deserve it!


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