However, if you meet them, they are the most well-behaved, smartest group of kiddos I’ve met. I am convinced this is the perfect example of amazing parenting. Ron and Heather have created this beauuuutiful family together, and it’s just amazing how they make it work.
I knew right away when I met Ron that he was a good man. He tended to the boys and Heather all in the same. Just what any girl would want to see for a friend. Ron is a hard worker and provides for their family in great ways. He is working towards his degree in Graphic Design, and I am convinced with the amount of passion he has towards it, he will go far.
Ron & Heather don’t need to announce their never ending love worldwide to show each other how they feel. It’s those sweet, subtle things that get their hearts going. Okay, so maybe it’s the sweet, subtle things they do towards each other that get my heart going. (I know I’m too in love with love. Whateva.) None the less, they’re precious together. They care for each other in ways I couldn’t begin to imagine.
Heather and I played volleyball and basketball together. We knew the heart and attitude that went into each of our games. When it came to basketball though, Heather and I stressed on the ATTITUDE that went into our games. We played hard. We played tough.
It was the last basketball game of the season.... the last game of my "career". We were losing. Terribly. I was fed up as each play I called out from my point guard position just didn't seem to come together. The other team's defense was tearing us apart but I kept on trucking. And by trucking, I mean right into the other team's players. Heather and I were known to foul out a game or two in the season. This game was a little more than usual. She fouled out first. I heard her smack talking (as much as you can smack talk in a private Christian high school game) from the side as she called "Reba, let them have it". "Let them have it"- that I did. It was the final quarter, my last foul came about, and I smirked as I walked off the court with the crowd roaring. Attitude, sheesh... did I mention it wasn't always the cleanest? The other team didn't have to worry much about being defeated with our skills - we were lacking. But when Heather and I joined together on that sideline, they knew we were there every second. The smack talking continued. We received looks from Coach. Looks from the refs. Looks from the crowd. Lucky us we weren't thrown out. Rowdy... that was us.
However, as rowdy as we were together, Heather and I never had a real falling out. Thank you Lord cause that could've been ugly. We had a BLAST on and off the court. She picked on me like no other when I was the only freshman on the Varsity Volleyball team, but always made me feel so welcome. We've kept in contact as the years have passed by. I'm still blessed to have her as a friend. Luckily, the rowdiness has toned down just a bit. :)
However, the attitude shines through at times. Check out these images for proof.