Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Attitude :: Central Texas Engagement Photography

Tell me these boys don’t have T-R-O-U-B-L-E written all over?

However, if you meet them, they are the most well-behaved, smartest group of kiddos I’ve met. I am convinced this is the perfect example of amazing parenting. Ron and Heather have created this beauuuutiful family together, and it’s just amazing how they make it work.

I knew right away when I met Ron that he was a good man. He tended to the boys and Heather all in the same. Just what any girl would want to see for a friend. Ron is a hard worker and provides for their family in great ways. He is working towards his degree in Graphic Design, and I am convinced with the amount of passion he has towards it, he will go far.

Ron & Heather don’t need to announce their never ending love worldwide to show each other how they feel. It’s those sweet, subtle things that get their hearts going. Okay, so maybe it’s the sweet, subtle things they do towards each other that get my heart going. (I know I’m too in love with love.
Whateva.) None the less, they’re precious together. They care for each other in ways I couldn’t begin to imagine.

Moving past the beautiful lovey-doveyness onto the rough old skool. I’m sure those words make us seem so much cooler than what we really were. Actually, I’m sure this whole story makes us seem so much cooler, but this is the Heather and Reba(my high school sports nickname) I knew back in the day.

Heather and I played volleyball and basketball together. We knew the heart and attitude that went into each of our games. When it came to basketball though, Heather and I stressed on the ATTITUDE that went into our games. We played hard. We played tough.

It was the last basketball game of the season.... the last game of my "career". We were losing. Terribly. I was fed up as each play I called out from my point guard position just didn't seem to come together. The other team's defense was tearing us apart but I kept on trucking. And by trucking, I mean right into the other team's players. Heather and I were known to foul out a game or two in the season. This game was a little more than usual. She fouled out first. I heard her smack talking (as much as you can smack talk in a private Christian high school game) from the side as she called "Reba, let them have it". "Let them have it"- that I did. It was the final quarter, my last foul came about, and I smirked as I walked off the court with the crowd roaring. Attitude, sheesh... did I mention it wasn't always the cleanest? The other team didn't have to worry much about being defeated with our skills - we were lacking. But when Heather and I joined together on that sideline, they knew we were there every second. The smack talking continued. We received looks from Coach. Looks from the refs. Looks from the crowd. Lucky us we weren't thrown out. Rowdy... that was us.

However, as rowdy as we were together, Heather and I never had a real falling out. Thank you Lord cause that could've been ugly. We had a BLAST on and off the court. She picked on me like no other when I was the only freshman on the Varsity Volleyball team, but always made me feel so welcome. We've kept in contact as the years have passed by. I'm still blessed to have her as a friend. Luckily, the rowdiness has toned down just a bit. :)
However, the attitude shines through at times. Check out these images for proof.

And of course, a shoe shot.

Heather & Ron, I had a great time hanging out with the two of you. I can NOT wait until your June wedding!! Sending you LOTS of LOVE!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Random Central Texas Photographer

Jesh De Rox, one of the most amazing photographers and souls to have graced this earth, wrote on Twitter
"openly sharing what's important to you will repel those who aren't interested in you and attract those who are."
Blogging is a big part of the photography industry. It's an opportunity for potential clients (and random blog stalkers...hiiiii!) to get to know the REAL you. Eek, that scares the poo outta me. Who the heck wants to hear about me and my boring life? However, for the sake of my darling little business, here I am Internet World. Take me as I am. If you don't like me, please rid of me. If you do like me (yay!), please read more, view more, make sure I'm THE photographer you want, then book me... like yesterday.

So to get the party started for 2010, here's some random little facts about me. Random, they are. I wanted to keep it real & casual for round one. Get to know the Real Rebecca. Don't judge...or I'll punch you in the ear. Seriously, don't judge....

FACT 1.) I have stared at this computer screen for 15 minutes trying to come up with my first fact. No joke.

FACT 2.) Gerber daisies are my favorite flower. Two people have given them to me.
-my ex husband.
- a drunk groomsman at a wedding this summer. He hand picked it for me, which is the best. So thanks. I think???
I hope to receive daisies from someone who truly cares one day.

FACT 3.) Photography and sports are my passions. They rock my world more than most things on this earth. I am my biggest critic and question myself in the photography realm. Daily. Sometimes I wonder if I missed my calling with coaching. Sometimes I talk to friends about it. Sometimes I talk to God about it. However, no matter my personal criticism, God reassures me daily that I have a talent that I need to share with others. For now, this is where He wants me. My critiquing is a blessing in disguise, I suppose.

FACT 4.) I wake up each morning thinking one of two things.
-Either VERY nervously realizing that this is the only life I will ever have, and this life is incredibly short. It seriously scares me crapless.
-Or I wake up thinking of a certain person. The same person almost every morning. (Yes, luckily, I don’t wake up in a panic about life each morning.) You can assume this person is in a romantic notion... but it's not. Good try, but the world may never know.

FACT 5.)When I pray, I carry on a conversation with God. I'm not formal. At all. I tell people "God and I talk everyday. We're cool with each other." or "Jesus is more than my homeboy". To some, that might sound childish, but to me, it's real. I desire a REAL relationship with The One who created me and knows me best. He already knows my thoughts. No need to be formal.

FACT 6.)Growing up, I was the dumb blonde in the family. The butt of most jokes. Who am I kidding? I still am. I was always told I mixed up words and had a horrible vocabulary. In all honesty, these things were all said in fun; however, I've taken them to heart, and I now try to learn at least one word, if not more, each day. is my best friend. I’ll probably use it at least 5 times in this blog. True story.

FACT 7.) I'm proofing this blog and I've used 6 times thus far... make that 7.

FACT 8.) Divorce was(is) one of my biggest fears. To me, it had failure written all over it. However, after speaking with A LOT of people, I've realized failure is success if you learn from it. In 2009, I became divorced. I learn something new from that situation daily.

FACT 9.) I never planned my wedding as a little girl. I didn't greatly enjoy planning my first wedding. However, ever since my divorce, I have started planning my next wedding. What the heck is wrong with me?!?!?

FACT 10.)I've never been in a physical fight all my life...other than spats with the siblings. I plan to never be in a physical fight. Violence is no bueno. So no worries, I won't punch you in the ear...but still... don't judge me. mmk??

FACT 11.) 11 is my favorite number.

And since Blog Posts are ALWAYS better with pictures.... WorldWideWeb, I introduce Wild Rose Pass to you. It's one of two places that I would like to get married one day. Middle of stinkin' no where overlooking beauty. I took a roadtrip to West TX in the Spring, found it, fell in love, and recently declared it as an option for a VERY intimate wedding. So brides, if you ever feel your location/venue for your wedding is wacky, who cares?!?!? It's you and your partner's day. Do as you please. And make sure you call me to capture all the wackiness on camera. Please & thank you.

I posted this blog. My friend, Matt, read it ,and I asked what his first impression would be if he were a random person. He said "NUTS". Great....... totally debating on deleting this sucker. You crazy, famous photographers that say "Share yourself more. Blog. Daily."- I am not on your team right now. If you're still reading this, lucky you. If not, lucky me.