Don't you dare give me that look of disgust.
Workaholic is a word that is often used to describe me...especially from my girlfriends as they continually beg me to go shopping and I sadly inform them I have work to do. They'll live.
Usually when "holic" follows anything, people take it in such a negative sense. NOT I!! Call me an addict. Call me crazy. I'll take as many names as you can throw at me. I LOVE to work.
In all my craziness, I've made some MAJOR changes. I've taken on a new job. I've said goodbye to a few a social life, but it happens, and I'm TOTALLY okay with it. With the new changes, I've taken on 50 hours of work a week plus running the photography business. I assure you Rebecca Crocker Photography is still up and running at full force. You just might not see my face on the blog as often, as if that was even often enough. I do have to sleep at one point though.
Be not alarmed when you don't see me as often. I am still here ready to serve you. Email. Text. Call. Leave a voicemail. I assure you that your needs will be met. This is still my number one priority as it has been from day one.
To end on yet another personal blog while I head back to edit many sessions, here is a shot from my parents a few weekends ago. It's nothing more than a flower, but it represents so much that I am experiencing right now.
Peace. Beauty. Bliss.
Enjoy. HAPPPPPPY Thursday!
Don't you dare give me that look of disgust.
Workaholic is a word that is often used to describe me...especially from my girlfriends as they continually beg me to go shopping and I sadly inform them I have work to do. They'll live.
Usually when "holic" follows anything, people take it in such a negative sense. NOT I!! Call me an addict. Call me crazy. I'll take as many names as you can throw at me. I LOVE to work.
In all my craziness, I've made some MAJOR changes. I've taken on a new job. I've said goodbye to a few a social life, but it happens, and I'm TOTALLY okay with it. With the new changes, I've taken on 50 hours of work a week plus running the photography business. I assure you Rebecca Crocker Photography is still up and running at full force. You just might not see my face on the blog as often, as if that was even often enough. I do have to sleep at one point though.
Be not alarmed when you don't see me as often. I am still here ready to serve you. Email. Text. Call. Leave a voicemail. I assure you that your needs will be met. This is still my number one priority as it has been from day one.
To end on yet another personal blog while I head back to edit many sessions, here is a shot from my parents a few weekends ago. It's nothing more than a flower, but it represents so much that I am experiencing right now.
Peace. Beauty. Bliss.
Enjoy. HAPPPPPPY Thursday!