Chris' husband deployed with Jimmy in 2005. Rick is now currently deployed again...hoping to return anywhere from Spring to Summer '09. Chris is pregnant with her third child...her first boy! Very exciting! My time with Chris was relaxing and just fun. We were going to head over to CTC but decided to just hang out at my house to avoid all the walking for Chris. It worked out great with the field and trees surrounding my home. Missy and Misty tagged along. Misty wanted to see me in action and Missy kept an eye on Ros. Special thanks to both of them for allllll their help! I had a great time ladies!!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
OH Bay-buh Bay-buh!!!!
Chris' husband deployed with Jimmy in 2005. Rick is now currently deployed again...hoping to return anywhere from Spring to Summer '09. Chris is pregnant with her third child...her first boy! Very exciting! My time with Chris was relaxing and just fun. We were going to head over to CTC but decided to just hang out at my house to avoid all the walking for Chris. It worked out great with the field and trees surrounding my home. Missy and Misty tagged along. Misty wanted to see me in action and Missy kept an eye on Ros. Special thanks to both of them for allllll their help! I had a great time ladies!!!
Goodbye is forever, so I'll see you later...
Missy has become one of my dearest friends in life. We've known each other less than a year but other than God she is the one person in this world that knows everything about me. I couldn't ask for a better friend. Chris is Missy's husband and is in the Army. Chris recently deployed to Afghanistan for 15 months and is in the infantry. Therefore, his job requires a lot out of him. His unit has already lost a few guys and I ask that you pray so hard for Chris, his unit, and their families. Times are tough. These are some pictures I captured the day Chris deployed. It was exactly a month after Jimmy had deployed so it was a day filled with raw emotion...plenty of tears. If you've never been around a day of deployment I hope these pictures can at least give you a glimpse of what goes on. My mom says even as emotional as these pictures are you will never fully understand unless you are there.
The RICKEY Kiddos
Shawna, these kiddos' mom, contacted me a while back. Her husband is deployed and she wanted to send him some pictures of the kids just being themselves. We chose to hangout on the playground and it ended up being a blast. Each of them has their own bright personality. I really enjoyed hanging out with them. And a special thanks to Missy for hanging out and helping that day!
The WAHN Family
This bunch was a blast!!!! Filled with energy and never a dull moment. Jason deployed a week or two after these pictures were taken. So please keep him and the whole family in your prayers.
My Lil' Models :)
So soldier boys have become my new models. I tell them I want to take pictures and they're always up for it. This time around we went to the Fort Hood 1st CAV Museum. I wanted to get some pics of the guys to share with family and friends before their deployment. Chance and Jimmy have been best friends since they first started in the Army(over 4 years ago) and we've been so blessed that they've both stayed in the same unit(that's unheard of in the Army). Chance was Jimmy's best man and they will always be battle buddies. I mentioned this idea to Jeremy, who is in Jimmy's unit and lives in our neighborhood. He was up for it! These shoots were a blast and I really enjoyed the shots! I did things a little different this was fun and unique. Anyway, please pray for Chance, Jeremy, and Jimmy during this deployment. They will be home by September 2009. Only 13 months to go!!! We LOVE you guys and think about you daily!!!
Alive and breathing...
I'm alive! I promise! Things have been a little crazy in Casa de Crocker. Jimmy deployed almost 2 months ago (wow, it's been that long?!??!). So I've been doing anything and everything to keep myself busy... whether it be taking a billion pictures, volunteering, or traveling all over. So far, so good. Anyway, here's my little catch up. Here's quite a few pictures from some photoshoots I've had the past few months. I'm sure I'll have to post them in seperate blog posts. ENJOY!!!
Some pics from the Wright's "pre deployment" shoot in May.
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